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21 Day Fix Roast Beef Recipe

This Instant Pot Pot Roast cooks in record time, making it perfect for a weeknight dinner or a stress free special occasion! This post contains affiliate links for products for products I'm obsessed with.

Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast | 21 Day Fix Beef Pot Roast

Omg, you guys.

My love for the Instant Pot has hit an all time high with this dinner.

I mean…we ate this oh so delicious Sunday dinner style Pot Roast on a Wednesday night recently.  And a damn busy one, too.

Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast | 21 Day Fix Beef Pot Roast

And while I wouldn't say this is the quickest Instant Pot meal ever, it certainly was the quickest Pot Roast I ever made and I was able to walk away from my pot, hang with the kids, help with homework, get basketball clothes ready, make lunches and do all the after school things while this meal was cooking.

Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast | 21 Day Fix Beef Pot Roast

I used my 8 quart for this one, but it would easily fit into the 6.  And I started by giving my Chuck Roast a good sear on both sides.

Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast | 21 Day Fix Beef Pot Roast

Then I threw in some roughly chopped onions and minced garlic.

Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast | 21 Day Fix Beef Pot Roast

Then added my meat back in along with some beef broth and tomato paste.  You can also use some gluten free Worcestershire sauce or coconut aminos in there, but I have done it with and without and love it the same.

Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast | 21 Day Fix Beef Pot Roast

Next I washed up some carrots and baby potatoes using my Norwex fruit and veggie cloth.  Baby potatoes with the skin still on work perfectly for this recipe.  You don't need to cut or peel them and they are super tender, but not mushy because the skins keeps everything in tact.

Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast | 21 Day Fix Beef Pot Roast

Just throw them right in!

Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast | 21 Day Fix Beef Pot Roast

Your carrots will be on the softer side, so you want to be sure to cut them thick.  No baby carrots for this recipe!  And if this is a dealbreaker, you could easily make them in your microwave or roast them separately.

Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast | 21 Day Fix Beef Pot Roast

I also used this awesome Steamer Basket because I didn't want the carrots to get lost in the gravy.  I got mine on amazon and it came with two different size baskets.  I use them all the time for veggies!

That's all you have to do to prep the roast.  Now just lock the lid, set it for 60 minutes, and let it sit for a natural release.  My reward after cooktime?

This gorgeousness.

Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast | 21 Day Fix Beef Pot Roast

You all know I love to make a quick gravy in the IP.  I just can't help myself with this saute setting, you know?  So I thickened my cooking stock with some arrowroot.

Best part?  I only had one pot to clean after my daughter's basketball game.

Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast | 21 Day Fix Beef Pot Roast

Such a dude pleasing meal, too.  My husband was in love. I certainly know the way to that man's heart.

Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast | 21 Day Fix Beef Pot Roast

Simple and delicious.

Going to try this Instant Pot Beef Roast?  Let me know what you think!  I love it when you guys tag me on social with your creations!

Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast | 21 Day Fix Beef Pot Roast


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This Instant Pot Beef Pot Roast cooks in record time, making it perfect for a weeknight dinner or a stress free special occasion!

  • 4 tsp olive oil, divided
  • 2 lbs boneless chuck roast, trimmed
  • 1/2 onion, roughly chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 1/2 cups organic, low sodium beef broth or stock
  • 2 T tomato paste
  • 6 carrots, chopped thick and on a diagonal
  • 3 cups of baby potatoes, skin left on
  • Himalayan or sea salt
  • thickener of your choice – tapioca, arrowroot, rice flour, or cornstarch
  • optional – 1 T Worcestershire sauce or coconut aminos

  1. Trim all fat from chuck roast steak, then sprinkle salt on each side. Set IP to sauté and and wait until the screen reads "hot." Add 2 tsp of the olive oil and sear meat on both sides. Remove roast from pot.
  2. Add remaining 2 tsp olive oil to pot and add onions and garlic. Saute for a few minutes until fragrant, then deglaze with broth, tomato paste, and Worcestershire sauce, if using, and stir well. Get all those brown bits up from the bottom of the pot to flavor your meat and veggies and make a killer gravy!
  3. Add roast back to pot, along with potatoes. Place carrots in a steamer basket on top of meat and potatoes. Lock lid and set for 60 minutes.
  4. After cook time, do a natural release. It took my pot about 15 minutes to release all the pressure. If you are hangry or impatient, you could switch it over to quick release anytime after this point and you will be good.
  5. Remove roast and veggies after cook time. Enjoy as is or make a quick gravy by removing 1/2 cup of the stock and mixing with 1 T of your thickener. Add this slurry back to the IP and place pot on sauté. Simmer until the gravy thickens to your liking, stirring frequently.
  6. Fixers – use your containers to measure your portions. Enjoy!


Serves 6
1 Red, 1 Yellow, 1 Green, 1 tsp each

For Slow Cooker – cook on low 8-10 hours

Keywords: beef, pot roast, dinner, instant pot, gluten-free, high-protein

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